Tuesday, November 16, 2010

China's Blog Wars

This are my thoughts about the article "Inside the War Against China's Blogs"

China's Blog Wars

I also gave up on the typography Photoshop work. There's not much I can do with Photoshop - I'd kind of like to know if we will be working with Photoshop into the 2nd semester - because if so, I might take a different class. Photoshop - most of it is art - is something I can't do. 
I want to KILL Photoshop. If I could, I would. However, some of my technology classmates did really good Photoshop typography work. 
2 of my classmates had pictures of Emma Watson to do typography work on - yes, she is really pretty, but obsessive much???
I have a friend in Commercial Photography and she said that they don't do a lot with Photoshop because their teacher wants them to make good pictures by themselves without editing.

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